To compare gene expression patterns of one or more species, please check the box next to the gene name and click ‘compare selected’. The database then compares the wild type expression patterns. If you compare genes of the same species, detailed expression information of the species specific developmental stages and domains will be shown, while if you compare genes belonging to several species only the main stages and domains will be compared.

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GeneSynonymsSpeciesAdded by
Otx orthodenticle Ptychodera flava Eric Roettinger on 17 Jun 2008[Add Experiment] [Edit ] [Delete ]
OtxA orthodenticle Nematostella vectensis Patricia Lee on 24 Feb 2009[Add Experiment] [Edit ] [Delete ]
OtxB Orthodenticle Nematostella vectensis Mattias Ormestad on 15 Oct 2008[Add Experiment] [Edit ] [Delete ]
OtxC orthodenticle Nematostella vectensis Patricia Lee on 24 Feb 2009[Add Experiment] [Edit ] [Delete ]
otd1 otd, otx, orthodenticle, oc Parhyale hawaiensis William Browne on 13 Dec 2008[Add Experiment] [Edit ] [Delete ]
otd2 otd, otx, orthodenticle, oc Parhyale hawaiensis William Browne on 13 Dec 2008[Add Experiment] [Edit ] [Delete ]
otx orthodenticle Fungia scutaria Jorik Loeffler on 27 Mar 2009[Add Experiment] [Edit ] [Delete ]
otx Orthodenticle Terebratalia transversa Yale Passamaneck on 23 Feb 2009[Add Experiment] [Edit ] [Delete ]
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