Available experiments on msx

All wildtype expression patterns
Showing only wildtype data for 0 experiments on msx. Click on experiments above to show data from only that particular experiment.
1 cell
2 cell
4 cell
16 cell
Early blastula
Mid blastula
Late blastula
Radial gastrula
Bilateral gastrula
Slit gastrula
Bilobe larva
Trilobe larva (no chaetae)
Trilobe larva (chaetae)
No expression
Not determined

Could not find similar expression patterns since no data is added for this gene.

Sorry, but we currently do not have any GO data for this species

Sorry, but we currently do not have any KOG (euKaryotic Orthologous Groups) data for this species

Sorry, but we currently do not have any EC data for this species