Showing data for 1 experiment on ngfr-like.
Egg Cleavage Blastula Early Gastrula Mid Gastrula Late Gastrula
Lateral View
Early Planula Planula Late Planula Tentacle bud Early juvenile Juvenile/Adult


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Eric Roettinger on 19 Nov 2012 (in Martindale lab)

Experiment (Wildtype)

Assay (RNA in situ)

  • Detection method: NBT/BCIP
  • Hybridization temperature: 62 ºC
  • Accession number:
  • Vector backbone: pGemT
  • Probe type (full length, RACE etc):
  • Probe generation (digest, PCR etc): PCR
  • Antisense probe restriction enzyme or PCR primers: T7/SP6
  • Antisense probe polymerase: Sp6
  • Insert size: 790
Showing data from 1 experiment on ngfr-like
Early Gastrula
Mid Gastrula
Late Gastrula
Early Planula
Late Planula
Tentacle bud
Early juvenile
No expression
Not determined
GeneSynonymsSpeciesScoreAdded by
hd043 homeobox transcription factor Nematostella vectensis 1 Eric Roettinger on 19 Nov 2012[Add Experiment] [Edit ] [Delete ]
Gli cubitus interruptus (ci) Nematostella vectensis 0.08 Patricia Lee on 2 Apr 2009[Add Experiment] [Edit ] [Delete ]
Patched Ptc Nematostella vectensis 0.07 Patricia Lee on 2 Apr 2009[Add Experiment] [Edit ] [Delete ]
OtxC orthodenticle Nematostella vectensis 0.06 Patricia Lee on 24 Feb 2009[Add Experiment] [Edit ] [Delete ]
OtxB Orthodenticle Nematostella vectensis 0.04 Mattias Ormestad on 15 Oct 2008[Add Experiment] [Edit ] [Delete ]
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There doesn't seem to be an entry for this gene in our current GO dataset

We suggest that you try visiting this gene entry in the genome database for this species

There doesn't seem to be an entry for this gene in our current KOG (euKaryotic Orthologous Groups) dataset

We suggest that you try visiting this gene entry in the genome database for this species

There doesn't seem to be an entry for this gene in our current EC dataset

We suggest that you try visiting this gene entry in the genome database for this species