Common name: N/A

Taxon: Annelida

Developmental mode: indirect

Life cycle: Pelagic - Benthic

Egg type: Isolecithal

Cleavage type: Spiral holoblastic

Gastrulation type: unknown

Larval type: Trochophore

See existing N/A

See species description (coming soon!).

Habitat preferences of adult Notomastus sp. appear to be mainly determined by the mud content. This Capitellidae polychaete worm can be found in Hawaii. Embryos were collected in the wild and maintained in a glass bowl at 19C until larval stages.

Embryos shown below as confocal images. Phalloidin staining is in white to label actin microfilaments (cell membrane). Hoechst staining is in blue to label DNA (cell nucleus). In images showing embryo in a lateral view, animal pole is to the top.

Added by: Aldine Amiel

Additional Information



Wilson (1933) , Amiel (unpublished)