Common name: n/a
Taxon: Annelida
Developmental mode: indirect
Life cycle: Mainly Benthic
Egg type: Isolecithal
Cleavage type: Spiral Holoblastic
Gastrulation type: Epiboly
Larval type: Metatrochophore
See existing Gene expression data.
See species description (coming soon!).
Wild adult Capitella teleta live in muddy habitats. Nonetheless, the entire life cycle of this marine polychaete worm can be maintained within the lab culture. After the fertilization event, the female keeps the developing embryos within a brood tube that it secretes all around its body that assures the cleaning and oxygenation of the developing embryo.
Embryos shown below as confocal images have been raised at 19C under laboratory conditions. Phalloidin staining (white) shows actin microfilaments (cell membrane, muscle fibers). Hoechst staining (blue) shows DNA (cell nucleus) and cilia are labeled in yellow with an acetylated tubulin antibody. (*) indicates the position of the mouth and the arrow the position of the blastopore.
Added by: Aldine Amiel
Additional Information
Embryos images are lateral views with the animal pole on the top. (PL) Polar Lobe. The metatrochophore larva of Capitella teleta has two rings of cilia along its body (anterior prototroch, posterior telotroch) and a ventral ciliary band (neurotroch).